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10 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Social Media Partner

You, as a marketing manager or small business owner, will be in a position to engage a team or agency to manage your social media communication. Here are some essential questions to ask when choosing your social media partner.

1. Who will manage your social media accounts?

To make a deal with the director and the most experienced team members is one thing. Another thing is which member of the team (or members) will be directly responsible for managing the social media accounts. You can ask about his experience and responsibility with other clients. Who to look for when you need info or want to suggest something.

2. Does the agency develop a social media strategy?

A strategy is a key to effective targeting and developing your social media accounts. If you come across a potential social media partner who does not develop a strategy before starting working for you or does not know how to do a briefing, it is probably time to look for another partner.

3. Do you need to provide content?

You should always be clear about what you are in charge of during your engagement or campaign. Do you need to send them pictures or will the agency provide it by them? Do you need to send them industry news, or will they find them themselves? Clearing all these dilemmas will make it clear to you how much time will last this engagement.

Regard EffieDNorman

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